GoMo Health

Safe at Last: Safe Options Support (SOS) Offers Options to Support the Homeless

Supporting the homeless population in NYC is a complex issue rooted in factors like the lack of affordable housing, mental illness, substance use, unemployment, and poor health conditions. Following the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill, New York City (NYC) has grappled with a significant...

Safe Options Support: Charting a Path to Stability for Homeless Individuals through Coordinated Care

A transformative shift is underway for New York City programs focused on helping homeless individuals. Instead of relying on a singular approach to homeless outreach, new initiatives and adaptations are reshaping and diversifying the community-based services available. This remodeled,...

CBC’s Pathway Home Response to COVID-19 and Future Implications

As we enter the third month of social distancing and in an evolving healthcare landscape with COVID-19, community-based care management teams are adapting and testing innovative operational approaches to ensure the needs of the people they serve are being met. This adaptation is taking place in...

A Virtual Pathway to Technology-Assisted Care Models: Keeping Up with New Technology in Behavioral Health Care

Community-based behavioral health organizations and the individuals they serve would benefit from embracing new media and digital technologies. Technology-assisted care allows providers an additional set of tools to supplement engagement and establish more meaningful lines of communication. With...

Stopping the Hospital Revolving Door: A Pathway Home to Stable Community Life

A not-for-profit organization formed by behavioral health (BH) community agencies, Coordinated Behavioral Care (CBC) operates one of NYS’s largest Health Homes (HH) and has formed an IPA to deliver integrated outcomes-oriented care. The many care managers who work with our HH members often face...