GoMo Health

The Many Benefits of Volunteer Programming

Like many nonprofit organizations, The Bridge welcomes volunteers who are willing to donate their time and expertise to further our mission and enrich the lives of our clients. Founded in 1954 as a self-help organization for adults diagnosed with a serious mental illness, The Bridge has since...

Aging in Supportive Housing: One Fall Away from Institutionalization

Lucy is a 62-year-old woman who has lived in supportive housing for over a decade. She has been treated for bipolar I disorder and has a history of suicidality. Like many older adults with mental health challenges, Lucy has several chronic health problems which are monitored by her primary care...

AGES (Assessing, Guiding, and Empowering Seniors): Supporting Seniors Aging in Place in Supportive Housing

The Bridge’s Aging Services program addresses critical gaps in the mental health system by offering individualized care to seniors with behavioral health and physical health conditions living in supportive housing. In 2014, with approximately 800 beds in service, The Bridge recognized that we...

Perspective on Recent Developments in New York State Behavioral Health Reform

Since the last issue of Behavioral Health News, as summarized by the excellent update above written by Dr. Jorge Petit and Jenna McCready, the State has moved forward to aggressively implement managed behavioral health. This article presents a perspective on some of the developments. RFQ for...

Recovery from Mental Illness: Consumer Readiness as a Driving Force

In this account, I’m sharing our experience at The Bridge, the New York City non-profit mental health rehabilitation agency, to illustrate the key role that consumers play in moving service providers to a recovery/rehabilitation orientation. The Bridge was created in 1954 by a group of...

Integrating Health and Behavioral Health Services: A Personal Perspective on One Agency’s Experience

In 1984, at the very first senior staff meeting I attended when I arrived at The Bridge (the non-profit mental health and substance abuse rehabilitation agency in New York City) the spotlight was on client healthcare issues. Our then part-time psychiatrist had recruited a heroic primary care...

A Perspective on Mental Health Housing in New York State

What an accomplishment! In the past 25 years (I may be off by a year or two) the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) has supported the development of 30,000 residential units for persons who have serious mental illness. Development began with the establishment of congregate supervised...

Editorial: New York’s Medicaid Reform Portends Major Changes in Behavioral Health Service Delivery

The 27-member Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo in January made a series of far-reaching recommendation pertaining to the delivery of mental health and substance abuse services (taken together, behavioral health services). The MRT, comprised of stakeholders from...

Sheridan Hill House: An Alternative Residential Model for Older Persons with Serious Mental Illness and Medical Conditions

In the context of recent national research findings that people with serious mental illness have a significantly shorter lifespan than the general population, the mental health community has directed much attention to addressing this disparity. Integrating mental health and health care has become...

Noted Panelists Discuss the Impact of Race and Racism on the Mental Health Professions and on the Therapeutic Alliance

Moderator’s Note: I had the pleasure of assembling a panel to address the impact of race and racism on the mental health professions. All of the panelists had participated in the Undoing Racism Workshop training offered by the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond and were familiar with...