GoMo Health

Medication-Assisted Treatment: An Effective Yet Underused Intervention for Treating Opioid Use Disorder

The United States is in the midst of a public health crisis. Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a chronic medical condition of epidemic proportions, yet one of the most promising, evidence-based treatments for OUD is underused. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration...

Transforming Behavioral Health Systems of Care to Improve Outcomes and Promote Value

Many state and county Medicaid programs are considering the implementation of managed care models in their behavioral health care systems in order to ensure consistent quality outcomes for their residents with a mental health condition or substance use disorder. As a national leader in managed...

Promoting Cultural Competence to Address Health Disparities and Improve Health Outcomes

Health disparities are preventable differences in health outcomes that are experienced by disadvantaged populations. They are a leading factor in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of health conditions across specific populations in the US. These factors can influence the available...

Coming to Grips with Substance Use Issues Among Employees’ Young Adult Dependents

The impact of substance use and mental illness on the workplace has been well documented. But how well do employers grasp what’s at stake when faced with employees whose adult dependents are grappling with a mental health or substance use issue? These employers are confronted with two...

New, Work-focused Approach Helps Employees with Depression Do Better at Work and Feel Better, Too

When employees injure their spine, they often receive physical therapy for this common condition. They learn how to strengthen weak muscles, lift properly and sit ergonomically. Essentially, they are taught proven strategies to get them back on their feet and back on the job. But it’s been a...

Integrated Care Supports a Whole-Person Approach to Improved Health Outcomes

About one in six adults will experience a mental health illness and medical condition within a year ― and among those receiving Medicaid, the percentage is likely higher.1 Since medical and behavioral health conditions tend to overlap, research shows that the most effective way to treat this...

Ensuring Evidence-Based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

The use of heroin, other opiates, and inappropriate prescription drugs are currently a major public health problem in this country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), national death rates from prescription opioid pain reliever overdoses quadrupled during 1999 to...

Elder Abuse: A Commitment to Awareness and Prevention

With an increasing life expectancy and an aging American society, the challenges of later life adulthood are becoming increasingly important. Therefore, it is essential that those who help manage and coordinate care for the elder population be attentive to both normal and problematic issues of...

Innovative Housing Initiatives Support Recovery-Based Care

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) identified a safe and stable home environment as one of the key dimensions that support a life of recovery from a mental health or substance use condition.1 That’s why Optum strives to promote healthy living environments as...

Enhancing Behavioral Care Services Via Managed Care

The President’s Freedom Commission on Mental Health, under President George Bush and lead by former New York State Office of Mental Health Commissioner Michael Hogan, has stated “the mental health system is broken.” Great strides have been made in the decade since the Commission’s report in...