GoMo Health

Brief Overview of Treatment and Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness

Substance abuse and psychiatric conditions frequently co-exist. According to NAMI, most mental health services are not adequately equipped to address both conditions. This makes treatment and prevention of substance abuse in the presence of mental illness a challenging task due to several moving...

OCD and Anxiety in Postpartum Mothers

I spotted them in the waiting room easily. She was wearing crisp khakis and a clean white shirt, short hair neatly combed, touches of makeup on her cheeks alongside a tight expression. Her husband was clean cut and looked athletic though his blue jacket was slightly rumpled. He looked tired as a...

Recent Innovations in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

The integration of technology and medicine is creating exciting possibilities for psychiatry and the behavioral sciences. A particularly intriguing one is the marriage of virtual reality technology to established behavioral principles and interventions for the treatment of anxiety disorders in...