Staying in Balance: Helping Nonprofits Manage Stress in an Uncertain Economy

As the economy began to cool down, business at New York City nonprofit organizations began to heat up. In June of 2009, more than 375,000 New York City residents were unemployed, increasing NYC’s unemployment rate to 9.5% - the highest level in over 10 years (New York State Department of Labor,...

Telephonic Follow Up to a Psychiatric Emergency Room Visit: A Call Center Service Model

A 2008 report by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors argues that “…lapses in continuity of care, especially after discharge from emergency department and inpatient psychiatry units, contribute to significant suicide-related morbidity and mortality”. The report...

The Aftermath of Trauma: How a Mental Health Community Responds

Traumatic events are naturally stressful on our bodies and on our minds. Feelings of fear, helplessness, anxiety, and emotional distress are generally common in populations exposed to trauma and these symptoms can last for many months and even years. Whether natural disasters, such as Hurricane...