GoMo Health

Leveraging Technology in Enhancing Opioid Care: How NYC Well is Providing Vital Connections and Support

In 2016, New York City lost, on average, between three to four people per day to drug overdoses, with approximately 80% of these overdose deaths involving an opioid. The number of deaths resulting from opioid overdoses in 2016 exceeded the number of deaths from car accidents and homicides combined...

Promoting Recovery for Individuals with Unidentified Trauma and Co-Occurring Disorders

Advancement of recovery for individuals with Co-Occurring Disorders has been recognized as a significant principle for the transformation of behavioral health services. Co-Occurring Disorders is defined as a mental health disorder being experienced along with the presence of a substance use...

Circle of Security Parenting Program: A Wise Early Intervention Investment to Promote Healthy Futures

As New York State transitions children, youth, and family services into Medicaid managed care, there must be far greater attention, capacity, and investment in tools and strategies that promote early childhood development. According to The Heckman Equation, investment in early development is a...

Wellness in the Workplace

A recent survey found that global wellness is an estimated $574 billion industry. Each of us continues to make our own “get healthy” resolutions – whether to exercise more, lose weight, eat healthier, stop smoking, etc. The belief that healthy employees produce more and have a positive...

Employee Wellness: Meeting the Challenge of the Workplace

Today’s behavioral health agencies are under more pressure than ever to measure and improve outcomes, reduce costs, adapt to changing market and regulatory conditions. As a result of these sometimes competing pressures, burnout and compassion fatigue are ever present concerns in today’s...

Responding to First Responders: Even Superheroes Need Help Sometimes

As we contemplated writing about the job-related behavioral health needs of first responders, we were reminded of the post 9/11 poster showing two swaggering 6-year-old boys wearing blankets as capes with the tagline “Even Superheroes Need Help Sometime.” This poster was part of an advertising...

War Impacts Us All: Minding the Gap Among Veterans and Civilians

Much has been made of the many issues facing veterans in our country and the myriad of services and organizations addressing their needs. In fact, veterans returning from war have all faced similar issues through the centuries. These are the common dynamics of adjusting to civilian life, reengaging...

iCBT – Easing Integration of Behavioral and Primary Care

Meeting the challenges of integrating behavioral health into primary care settings requires out of the box thinking and clinician openness to working in new ways. While there has been growing recognition of the benefits of the Collaborative Care Model to improve both health and behavioral health...

Employment Opportunities Off the Battlefield Help Veterans Combat Mental Health Challenges

People are most fulfilled when their career goals lead to financial security, personal identity, and meaningful contributions to community. For a significant number of individuals, many of whom are military veterans, nothing would be more fulfilling and mentally stimulating than simply landing a...

Crucial Time for Change: NYS’s Behavioral Health Care Transformation

New York State’s behavioral health care transformation is the most significant shift in mental health policy since deinstitutionalization over a half a century ago. Despite improvements that emerged as a result of the shift from an institutional to community-based system of care, significant...