An Interview with Helen Blair Simpson, MD, PhD, Director of the Anxiety Disorders Clinic at the NYS Psychiatric Institute

Understanding the science and treatment of anxiety disorders can take years of study and the commitment to conduct painstaking scientific research and countless treatment sessions with patients. In a candid interview with Mental Health News, Dr. Helen Blair Simpson gives us a unique look into the...

An Interview with Linda Rosenberg, MSW, President and CEO of The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare

In our continuing efforts to keep our readers informed of important issues on the advocacy and political scene, Mental Health News spoke with Linda Rosenberg, MSW, President and CEO of The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare. In the interview that follows, Linda Rosenberg gives us...

An Update on the National RAISE Schizophrenia Project – An Interview with John Kane, MD

The last issue of Mental Health News was devoted to the science, research, treatment and understanding of schizophrenia. As a follow-up to this important area of study and understanding, I had the opportunity to speak with John Kane, MD, one of the principal investigators and leaders of the...

From the Publisher – A Look into the World of Anxiety Disorders

I felt that it would be useful to our readers that we devote this issue of Mental Health News to taking a fresh look into the world of anxiety disorders. We last visited this topic in our Winter 2006 issue. At that time The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimated that 19 Million...

An Interview with Ann Marie Albano, PhD, ABPP, Director of the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders

We are indeed fortunate to have an opportunity to speak with Dr. Albano about her work at the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CUCARD). In the interview that follows, Dr. Albano takes us into the world of anxiety disorders with a review of many of the clinical aspects...

From the Publisher – There are “No Old Topics” When it Comes to Mental Health Education

I was recently asked “Why do you keep revisiting the same old topics over again in Mental Health News?” I did not have a cute or definitive answer at the moment. However, as I sit here writing this column, I am convinced that it is because you can never cover a good topic often enough. Each...

My Return from the Darkness of Schizophrenia – An Interview with Susan Weinreich

Susan Weinreich is an award-winning artist whose work has won acclaim around the world. For close to 40 years she endured a heroic journey through the darkness of schizophrenia. Her story has become an inspiration to many and she has become an advocate for people with mental illness. Mental Health...

From the Publisher – The Economy’s Impact on People and Community Services

As we all watched on TV and felt firsthand when we pay our monthly bills, we have been in the midst of an economic meltdown not seen since the Depression of the 1930’s. The Stock Market tanked, the housing market crashed, foreclosures reached all-time highs, and many people lost their homes and...

VNSW Mental Health Home Care Program: In Harmony with the Consumer Movement

It is becoming increasingly understood and appreciated just how much healing and comfort extend beyond the physical. There is a decided mental well-being component as well, recognized by Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester (VNSW), the White Plains-based home health care agency that several years...

His Battle with Depression Opened a Door to Helping Others – A Mental Health News Interview with Award-Winning Actor Joe “Joey Pants” Pantoliano

Joe Pantoliano is one of today’s best character actors. He has more than 100 film, TV and stage credits, including The Fugitive, Risky Business, Memento, The Matrix, and his Emmy-winning role as Ralph Cifaretto in HBO’s The Sopranos. One of his most recent films Canvas, tells the story about...