GoMo Health

Supporting Changing Needs Through the End of Life for Adults with Disabilities in Residential Settings

Everyone changes with aging, often in invisible ways. You may be surprised to learn that beginning at age 25, there is a slow decline in speed, reasoning, spatial skills, and memory (Salthouse, 2009). At the age of 30, there is a 3-8% loss of muscle mass per decade (Volpi, 2004). By the age of 65,...

Addressing the Human Services Workforce Crisis Through Training and Professional Development

In 2017, the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities provided a report (retrieved from https://www.nadsp.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/PCPID-2017_-Americas-Direct-Support-Workforce-Crisis-low-res.pdf) to the President of the United States regarding the workforce crisis...