GoMo Health

Caregivers Plan for the Future with Federation of Organizations’ Financial Management Program

What will happen when I am not around? How can I protect the future of my loved one? These are some of the questions that caregivers ask themselves as they search for reassuring answers. After years of work helping families to prepare for the future of their loved ones, there is one point we cannot...

Successful Consumers Make Successful Providers

There is a Danish proverb that says, “He knows the water best who has waded through it.” For those who are traversing the waters of mental illness, this is particularly true, and it is with this knowledge that Federation of Organizations was among the first to begin employing individuals who...

Family Support is Key When a Member is Hospitalized

Enduring a hospitalization as a result of a mental illness can be a traumatic experience not only for the patient, but for the family, as well. This is true whether it is a first hospital stay or one of many. In an effort to assist caregivers in their roles, Federation of Organizations, in...