GoMo Health

The Economics of Recovery: Demystifying Government Work Incentives

Joanne is diagnosed with Schizophrenia. She receives $761/Mo. in Social Security Disability Income (SSI), $200/Mo. in Food Stamps, she has her own one-bedroom apartment thru Supported Housing (Section 8), Medicaid and a half-fare bus pass. She applied for a part-time cashiers’ position at...

The Economics of Recovery: The Making of a Consumer Advocate

It was in the fall of 99’, Ira and I were having our weekly meeting at Starbucks in Larchmont. We would linger for hours in those big, plush club chairs sipping Lattés and snacking on cookies – caffeine and sugar - just the fuel two bipolars needed to figure out their next career move. We...

The Economics of Recovery – What Recipients Want: A Look at Aligning Agendas

I find most people’s agendas are predictable; big corporations want more profits, politicians want to be reelected, bureaucrats want more job security, professionals want better outcomes, academics want more research, unions want, well, just more. But what do recipients want? Medications without...

The Economics of Recovery: How Consumers Can Help Close the Budget Gap

Speaking before the Greater New York Hospital Association, Governor Paterson said the only way to solve the multi-billion dollar budget crisis was by “—working collaboratively—whether we run the hospital, work in the hospital or have been hospitalized.” While the Government could freeze...