GoMo Health

Basic Research Has Had a Major Impact on Developing New Treatments for Serious Mental Illnesses

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, with an estimated $2 trillion annual economic impact. The cost in terms of human suffering is, of course, incalculable. Each year about 8% of adults—nearly 20 million Americans—experience major depression; 8% of adolescents experience at...

The NYSPA Report: Mental Health and the Geriatric Population

I am pleased to share with you an interview we conducted with Dilip Jeste, MD, Professor, Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego. He is also a past President of the American Psychiatric Association and a member of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Scientific...

Treating Psychosis Patients Early and Comprehensively Has Resulted in Improved Outcomes

An interview with Patrick McGorry, MD, PhD, FRCP, FRANCZP, Professor of Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Australia; Executive Director, Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health; 2015 Lieber Prizewinner; 1998 Distinguished Investigator Anew approach to...

Relief from Decades of Treatment-Resistant Depression Comes with Metabolite Replacement Therapy Trial

Bruce had tried everything. And yet, for three decades, he could not find any relief from his debilitating depression and suicidal thoughts. Twenty medications. Electroconvulsive therapy. Countless hours of counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy. Nothing had worked. Of the 15 million...

Testing a Simple Strategy to Prevent Schizophrenia via Dietary Supplements

An interview with Robert Freedman, MD, Chair of Psychiatry, University of Colorado; Editor-in-Chief, The American Journal of Psychiatry, and Member of the Foundation’s Scientific Council; 2015 Lieber Prize for Outstanding Schizophrenia Research; 2006, 1999 Distinguished Investigator At what...

Parenting: Diagnosing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents

An interview with Francis S. Lee, MD, PhD, Weill Cornell Medical College, BBRF Scientific Council Member, 2010 Independent Investigator 2005, 2002 Young Investigator Dr. Francis Lee is the Mortimer D. Sackler Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Psychiatry at Weill Cornell...