GoMo Health

NYAPRS Regional Forum Held at CoveCare Center

Individuals served by and representatives from agencies in Putnam, Westchester and surrounding counties participated in a special forum hosted by CoveCare Center in Carmel, NY. “The Power of Grassroots Advocacy” and “The Promise of Pioneering Service Innovations” were the main topics presented and discussed throughout the afternoon.

The forum began with a presentation by Harvey Rosenthal, Executive Director, New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services, Inc. (NYAPRS). NYAPRS is a statewide coalition of people who use and/or provide recovery-oriented community-based mental health services. NYAPRS is dedicated to improving services and social conditions for people with mental health and/or trauma-related challenges by promoting their recovery, rehabilitation and rights.

“It is so exciting to be able to bring a nationally-known figure, such as Harvey Rosenthal, to Putnam to discuss with individuals and providers in the mental health system the legislative advocacy efforts that are being brought forth on our behalf. It is equally exciting to hear from peer agencies what new and innovative projects they are bringing to us,” stated Alison Carroll, CoveCare Center Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and member of the Board of Directors for NYAPRS.

Following Mr. Rosenthal’s presentation, Raquelle Bender from The Mental Health Association of Westchester presented on the agency’s Intensive and Sustained Engagement and Treatment (INSET) program. A pilot program, INSET is available to Hudson Valley residents aged 18 years or older who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, have experienced multiple hospitalizations, and/or have a history of incarceration or substance abuse. The INSET team, which focuses on providing mobile support by meeting people at community locations of their choice, offers integrated peer and professional services and referrals when they are needed.

Lastly, Bryan Cranna from Independent Living, Inc. in Newburgh offered insight into the agency’s Self-Directed Care Services initiative. Also a pilot program, Self-Directed Care Services is person-centered, allowing individuals to exercise greater control over the funding used for their care. Individuals are helped to pursue specific opportunities once thought out of their reach as they take control of their lives and work toward recovery. In order to be eligible for this program, individuals must be enrolled in a Health and Recovery Plan (HARP) and be eligible to receive Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).

CoveCare Center thanks the representatives from NYAPRS, The Mental Health Association in Westchester, and Independent Living, Inc. for their engaging and thought-provoking presentations.

CoveCare Center is the only private non-profit agency providing recovery-based mental health and substance use treatment and prevention services in Putnam County, NY. CoveCare Center offers hope and healing to people of all ages through a comprehensive range of services including individual and group counseling, care coordination, family advocacy, parenting education, community outreach, and medication management. CoveCare Center is a member of Coordinated Behavioral Health Services (CBHS), a non-profit 501(3) membership organization of forward-thinking, community behavioral health and disability service providers in the Hudson Valley Region whose shared goal is to promote recovery-oriented and outcome-based services designed to ensure high quality and low costs.

Visit www.CoveCareCenter.org for more information.

Photo Credits: Dillon Browne, Peer Specialist, The Mental Health Association of Westchester and Co-Regional Coordinator for the Westchester Putnam Region, New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services, Inc. (NYAPRS); Alison Carroll, VP of Strategic Initiatives, CoveCare Center; Eric Toth, CEO of CoveCare Center; Harvey Rosenthal, Executive Director, NYAPRS; Laura Brogan, Care Manager, CoveCare Center and Co-Regional Coordinator for the Westchester Putnam Region, NYAPRS; Raquelle Bender, The Mental Health Association of Westchester; Bryan Cranna, Independent Living, Inc.

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