GoMo Health

CoveCare and MHA Putnam Team up to Provide Continuity and Services

CoveCare Center and the Mental Health Association in Putnam (MHA) have formed an affiliation that will leverage the strengths of both organizations in order to continue and grow the robust mental health services available to residents of Putnam and neighboring counties. Through this partnership, MHA will continue to provide the valuable services and supports that they have offered since their inception in 1993 in an independent, sustainable fashion, while complementing the broad base of mental health and substance use treatment and prevention services available at CoveCare Center.

MHA will maintain its own 501©3 non-profit, tax-exempt status, its current employees and Brewster location at 1620 Route 22 in Brewster and, most importantly, their commitment to serving the local Putnam community. CoveCare Center, located at 1808 Route Six in Carmel, will provide MHA with enhanced business support systems and training opportunities that will allow the agency to continue to operate and grow effectively amidst the demanding changes occurring in behavioral health management.

Megan Castellano, Executive Director of MHA noted, “We are so excited about this opportunity which will allow us to expand the scope of our services while at the same time providing us with the administrative infrastructure that we need to be a service provider long into the future. Through this strategic restructuring initiative, we can continue to focus on providing support to those in need where we live and work, right here in Putnam County.”

CoveCare Center and MHA in Putnam are both leaders in providing mental health services in the area. Formalizing their long-standing partnership through affiliation will allow MHA to continue as a vital resource in Putnam County, particularly in the areas of peer support, community education and outreach, with an emphasis on suicide prevention and veterans. CoveCare Center will continue to work closely with MHA in those areas while continuing to provide the caring, compassionate and confidential treatment required by those who need assistance with mental health, substance use, and emotional and social issues.

“By partnering with MHA, we enhance the services that are essential to our community. At CoveCare Center, we know that recovery is possible, and our new affiliation will allow us to continue to provide extended support to promote mental health and wellness in our community,” stated Diane E. Russo, Chief Executive Officer of CoveCare Center.

Under this new affiliation, CoveCare Center and MHA in Putnam will have cross-representation on their Boards of Directors to ensure consistent governance across both agencies, and a shared vision for meeting the behavioral health needs in the area.

The Mental Health Association in Putnam (MHA): The Mental Health Association in Putnam (MHA) mission is to promote wellness and recovery for individuals and families coping with mental health issues in our community. Visit www.mhaputnam.org for more information.

CoveCare Center: CoveCare Center, formerly known as Putnam Family and Community Services, Inc., is the only private agency providing recovery-based mental health and substance use treatment and prevention services in Putnam County. More information is available at: www.CoveCareCenter.org.

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