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Archive for the ‘Veterans’ Category

Saying Thanks to Those Who Have Served

The weather report was that the temperature would be in the mid-80s, but on the golf course it seemed as if it had reached about 90 degrees, with high humidity. It turned out to be the hottest day of the year; which further explained why it was a challenge to walk the 9 holes on this hilly course....

From Hopeless and Homeless to Hopeful and HomeBound

The term “Homeless Veteran” should be an oxymoron. No Veteran of our armed services should return to a civilian life that doesn’t include a permanent home and the appropriate supports needed to successfully reintegrate back into society, but some do. According to the 2014 Annual Homeless...

Creating Home in a Community-Based Art Therapy Program

Recently a veteran referred to our studio as a “second home.” He was referring to an art therapy program I had an opportunity to develop 4 years ago at a community-based organization for veterans in Rochester, NY, Veterans Outreach Center, Inc. During its first year the program more than...

Accepting Recovery and Coming Home: Integrated Practices for Addiction Treatment with Veterans

Since September 11th, 2001, about 2.5 million members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and related Reserve and National Guard units have been deployed in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Of those, more than a third were deployed more than once; nearly 37,000 Americans had been...

A Bridge to Employment for Veterans

While SUS was recruiting for the pilot ‘Tug and Barge’ program run through SUNY Maritime College, John Lang was referred for screening as a candidate. Mr. Lang, a former Army Avionic Mechanic honorably discharged after 6 years of service, had fallen on difficult times which forced him to...

What to Expect When Your Service Member Returns Home

It is incredibly important to discuss how family members can prepare themselves for the physical and emotional changes they may have to make when their spouse, partner, parent or child returns home from combat. Many service members experience intense stress reactions as they readjust to a very...

War Impacts Us All: Minding the Gap Among Veterans and Civilians

Much has been made of the many issues facing veterans in our country and the myriad of services and organizations addressing their needs. In fact, veterans returning from war have all faced similar issues through the centuries. These are the common dynamics of adjusting to civilian life, reengaging...

The Veterans Mental Health Primary Care Training Initiative: Training a Healthcare Workforce to Meet the Mental Health Needs of Returning Veterans

The New York State Psychiatric Association (NYSPA) is taking a lead role in working to meet the mental health needs of veterans returning from combat duty through its Veterans Mental Health Primary Care Training Initiative (VMH-PCTI). The VMH-PCTI, which provides educational programs on mental...

Soldiers at Increased Suicide Risk After Leaving Hospital

United States Army soldiers hospitalized with a psychiatric disorder have a significantly elevated suicide risk in the year following discharge from the hospital, according to research from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). The yearly suicide rate for...

New York State Tailors Treatment Services for Veterans with Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders

New York State and the country at large face formidable challenges in meeting the behavioral health needs of veterans returning from active duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries. The New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS) and its treatment provider...