Archive for the ‘Summer 2009 Issue’ Category

Clothes Make the Man

Stigma means “a mark of infamy.” In ancient times they used to literally brand criminals and slaves. Now we talk about the stigma of mental illness. We know how we are marked by others; that’s obvious. We’re marked by the media, the medical establishment, the ignorant and the uninformed....

Cultural Competence and Recovery

It seems to me that within the behavioral health service field, cultural competence is an approach designed to improve access, engagement, retention, and to contextually improve the quality of life of individuals and families. Within a cultural competence framework, services facilitate...

Eight Links to Recovery

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I was no stranger to the symptoms of bipolar disorder when I began having sleepless nights and racing thoughts at age 44. I worked as a counselor for adults with mental illness at a residential program and I was teaching daily living skills to clients, some who...