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Archive for the ‘Spring 2015 Issue’ Category

Returning Veterans and Readjustment

While most individuals successfully transition from military to civilian life, a certain number do not – often leading to confrontations with clinicians, law enforcement and the criminal justice system.  Understanding these individuals goes a long way towards preventing encounters from...

Creating Home in a Community-Based Art Therapy Program

Recently a veteran referred to our studio as a “second home.” He was referring to an art therapy program I had an opportunity to develop 4 years ago at a community-based organization for veterans in Rochester, NY, Veterans Outreach Center, Inc. During its first year the program more than...

From Hopeless and Homeless to Hopeful and HomeBound

The term “Homeless Veteran” should be an oxymoron. No Veteran of our armed services should return to a civilian life that doesn’t include a permanent home and the appropriate supports needed to successfully reintegrate back into society, but some do. According to the 2014 Annual Homeless...

Fighting for Our Nation’s Veterans

Family members have a unique role to play in the mental health of our nation’s veterans. With the current system overwhelmed by mental health service needs and unable to provide adequate access, family members serve at the critical front line of our veteran’s mental health needs and are the...

Innovative Treatment Choices for the Military Family

The military family system deserves to be given easy access to the most outstanding clinical treatments that we now have to offer. We are in the process of developing novel psychotherapeutic interventions for the heroes that have taken on the duty of defending our country with honor, commitment and...

Integrating Mental Health Services in a Primary Care Setting for Veterans

When it comes to the treatment of military veterans, often one provider just isn’t enough. This particular population, which faces disproportionately higher rates of mental illness than others, can benefit greatly from integrative and collaborative treatment by a mental health clinician, in...

Integrating Trauma and Addiction Treatment

Individuals struggling with addiction who also work in a first responder capacity face unique challenges in addiction treatment and recovery. Often referred to as uniformed professionals, these individuals are very likely to work in high-stress environments with an increased risk of physical...

MHA Vet2Vet Program: Leading the Way in Peer Support

Mental Health Association in Orange County, Inc. (MHA) is pleased to provide Orange County’s only Vet2Vet Peer Networking Program, also known as the PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Project. The program is named in honor of Private First Class Joseph P. Dwyer, an Army Medic who served in Iraq,...

New York State Tailors Treatment Services for Veterans with Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders

New York State and the country at large face formidable challenges in meeting the behavioral health needs of veterans returning from active duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries. The New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS) and its treatment provider...

Point of View: Improving American Mental Health Policy

We mental health advocates all agree that America’s mental health system should be better. We do not all agree about how to make it better. That’s a problem. Our differences have contributed to a political standoff in Washington where efforts to bring about major changes in the nation’s...