Archive for the ‘Spring 2014 Issue’ Category

Health Care Reform: Empowering the Workforce Through Outcome Focused Education

The Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) unquestionably began a process that potentially could lead to a total transformation in the health and behavioral health care delivery system of the United States. The ACA is fundamentally a regulatory reform effort that is guided by the triple aim of expanding...

The NYSPA Report: The Final Parity Rule – What NYS Should Do About It

On November 21, 2013, five years after the passage of the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA), the federal Departments of the Treasury, Labor and Health and Human Resources issued the final rule governing its implementation. Due to the...

Preparing for Managed Care: Staff Credentialing, Evidence-Based Practices, and Fiscal Systems

For decades, behavioral health (BH) professionals have fought for the right to have mental health (MH) and substance use disorders (SUD) regulated in a similar manner as medical/surgical conditions. First the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 and more recently the 2012...

Positioning for the New York State Managed Care Transition

Preparing your leadership and line staff for the “managed care transition,” can seem daunting and perplexing. There is no simple formula that applies to providers in general, or certain types of providers, except in the broadest sense. Rather, it involves a critical assessment of strengths,...

Practical Tips to Working with Managed Care

With the changes to managed Medicaid, it is important for therapists to be ready to advocate for their clients and for the care they deserve. After over sixteen years of dealing with managed care, there are certain tips that might be helpful if you are new to the process of calling companies. Often...

Perspectives on the Transition to Managed Care

The year 2014 will provide opportunities for OASAS and the other behavioral health agencies in New York as we prepare for the transition to Medicaid Managed Care beginning in 2015. The goal of this change is to create a system that provides New Yorkers with fully integrated behavioral health...

Will Managed Care Advance the Goals of Community Mental Health?

In the middle of the 20th century, when American mental health policy switched from institution-based to community-based, the primary goal was to enable people with severe, chronic mental illness to live freely and safely in the community with the same rights as other Americans. Considerable...

The State of Children’s Mental Health and Associated Costs of a Fragmented System

Past public policy has focused mostly on children’s mental health issues—and with good reason. While 1 out of 10 children has a serious emotional disturbance, only 20% ever receive treatment. Children with mental health issues have the highest school dropout rate among all disability groups,...

Ensuring Humanity in Human Services Work

As human services adopt more collaborative approaches through implementation of managed care, expansion of health homes, and other group treatment models, it is critical for mental health and human services professionals to understand racial oppression as an obstacle to mental and physical...

If Only HOPSTOP Could Map Our Route to the Triple Aim

Health care reform is driving consumer focused, outcome-oriented change in New York and across the country. In the past decade we have come to look at health care differently and our technology-based tools have grown by leaps and bounds. Game changing opportunities are surfacing in supporting...