Archive for the ‘Recovery from Mental Illness’ Category

VNSW Mental Health Home Care Program: Transitioning Back Home Following Hospitalization

It is becoming increasingly understood and appreciated just how much healing and comfort extend beyond physical well-being. There is a decided mental well-being component as well, recognized by Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester (VNSW), the White Plains-based home health care agency that...

Where Do We Go from Here? Follow-Up Care from Psychiatric Hospitalization

Psychiatric hospitalization is a disruptive event for any individual, especially for a child and family. However, brief the hospital stay – and stays are very brief these days – the person, the child, and the family has to cope with medications, restoring relationships, making an awkward and...

After the Hospital the Real Treatment Begins

It is often in the period following an inpatient psychiatric hospitalization that the “real treatment” begins. After stabilizing the most severe symptoms that compromise a patient’s functioning, the patient and his or her therapist must then collaborate on the next steps that will help to...

Recovery Can Begin on The Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital Unit

Post discharge services start the day a person is admitted to an inpatient unit. Usually, when people stay for a few days in the hospital, staff focuses mainly on medication issues. Many studies of people suffering from severe mental illnesses show an association between non-adherence to medication...

Building a Responsive, Accountable, Recovery-Focused System of Care

I wish to briefly describe what is on the horizon for the Adult Mental Health system in our state. The New York State public mental health system is among the most well-funded in the country, yet outcomes are of concern. In the middle are people who struggle with mental illness and want to lead...

Mental Illness Presents Challenges to Individuals, Families and Communities

Mental illness presents great challenges for individuals, families and communities. From stress disorders and depression among an over-stressed military, to incidents of school violence, to the $193 billion in wages lost annually in the United States because of mental illness, mental health issues...

From the Publisher – Some Essentials on Surviving a Mental Illness During and Following Hospitalization

I am very pleased that we are addressing the topic Providing Essential Care and Services Following Psychiatric Hospitalization in this issue of Mental Health News. I want to thank the many people and organizations who helped make this issue possible. According to the National Alliance on Mental...

Family Support is Key When a Member is Hospitalized

Enduring a hospitalization as a result of a mental illness can be a traumatic experience not only for the patient, but for the family, as well. This is true whether it is a first hospital stay or one of many. In an effort to assist caregivers in their roles, Federation of Organizations, in...

Care Coordination Takes an Innovative Approach to Case Management at the Mental Health Association of Westchester

A 62-year-old woman named “Mary” from White Plains, New York has been diagnosed with a serious mental illness. During her lifetime, Mary had experienced a 20-year incarceration and multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. She was referred to The Mental Health Association of Westchester’s (MHA)...

It Takes A Village

My philosophy as a clinical social worker has always been that families with children suffering from mental health problems need the appropriate skills, tools, and services to effectively help their child. These families often encounter deficit-based delivery systems and somehow get stuck. I never...