Archive for the ‘Recovery from Mental Illness’ Category

From the Publisher’s Desk “The Handshake of Hope”

With the holiday’s only a month or so away, I recall a true story I wrote about several years ago in this publication. It began with, “Let me tell you a story about a simple handshake that saved the life of a man from New York suffering with mental illness.” The year was 1987 and he was 38...

How ABA Improved Executive Functioning Deficits

Rosie is a young woman in her early 20s, who attends one of the senior CUNY colleges in New York City, Baruch University. Rosie is diagnosed with mild intellectual disability and schizoaffective disorder. She entered into her third year of her bachelor program in January 2015 realizing that she had...

When Mental Illness Enters a Family

Families notice when a loved begins to be different from the child, spouse, sibling or parent that they have known. Their loved one isolates him(or her)self from family and friends; shows persistent changes in sleep, eating and hygiene; says or does odd things that suggest their thinking is off,...

Second Chances

This is my story about my struggles with bi-polar disorder, substance abuse, and second chances. My journey began approximately 2 years ago. Between my undiagnosed mental illness and substance abuse, I was on a road of self-destruction. I was not capable of living a normal life. I couldn’t get...

The Recovery Movement in New York State

What an exciting time to work in behavioral health! Practitioners are in a new frontier of best practices based upon significant research that provides a growing understanding about brain disease and appropriate interventions in behavioral health and recovery. The growing strength and influence of...

Services for the UnderServed Addresses Mental Illness Among Young Adults Under New Citywide Initiative

Many youth are hit suddenly with mental illness during their teens and early adulthood. For some, it may be as many as seven years between their “first break” and the first time they formally receive treatment. This results in many of them lagging behind their peers as they transition to...

The Family Role in Recovery: Understanding the Illness and Embracing the Process

The fear and distress are unimaginable when serious mental illness strikes families. They become confused when their loved one acts in an erratic or unfamiliar way and may feel helpless when a child or adult refuses treatment. New concerning behaviors emerge, and aspects of their loved one’s...

Recovering the Person in Treatment

Person-centered recovery could well be reframed as recovering the person; for isn’t that what treatment is ultimately about? At Wellspring, a multi-service mental health agency in Bethlehem, Connecticut, we base our relational approach to treatment and education on a multi-dimensional concept of...

Embracing Agency-Wide Change: Delivering Person-Centered Services at MHA Westchester

Since its organization shortly after World War II, the Mental Health Association of Westchester County (MHA) has provided services to meet the changing needs of our county. MHA quickly became known as the agency which provided services to those most in need, in an atmosphere of respect and focus on...

Recovery 101: For Those Who Thought They Couldn’t Recover

Advocate for the mental health recovery movement Pat Deegan wrote, “The professionals called it apathy and lack of motivation. They blamed it on our illness. But they don’t understand that giving up is a highly motivated and goal-directed behavior. For us, giving up was a way of surviving....