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Archive for the ‘Race and Racism’ Category

Ensuring Humanity in Human Services Work

As human services adopt more collaborative approaches through implementation of managed care, expansion of health homes, and other group treatment models, it is critical for mental health and human services professionals to understand racial oppression as an obstacle to mental and physical...

The Impact of Race and Racism on Mental Health Clients, Practitioners, Organizations, and Delivery Systems – Crossing the Racial Rubicon

Race is the Rubicon we have never crossed in this country. Some claim that race is no longer a factor in the United States. We are “beyond racism.” The opposite is actually the case. Everything in this country is touched by race, from where we live or choose to live, go to school or send our...

Noted Panelists Discuss the Impact of Race and Racism on the Mental Health Professions and on the Therapeutic Alliance

Moderator’s Note: I had the pleasure of assembling a panel to address the impact of race and racism on the mental health professions. All of the panelists had participated in the Undoing Racism Workshop training offered by the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond and were familiar with...

Challenges of Black Males with Mental Illness

This entry is focused on the mental health issues among Black males and the challenge of dealing with race and racism in mental health agencies. Because of the extensiveness of need, combined with stereotyping that is perhaps unique to this population, and notable gaps in culturally appropriate...

Clinical Reflections on the Impact of Race and Racism on the Counselor/Client Relationship

This article was prepared in collaboration with an interracial group of mental health providers practicing in a variety of public and private mental health settings. Each clinician has completed the PISAB Undoing Racism Workshop™ and does anti-racist organizing in their various settings. In...

The Impact of Race and Racism on Mental Health Outcomes

Achieving positive mental health outcomes in the context of race and racism begins with awareness and action. Clinicians are motivated to relieve negative symptoms and support wellbeing; however, their work rarely promotes anti-racist values such as Learning from History; Sharing Culture;...

Building a Race Conscious Research Agenda

People of color have held a long and often damaging relationship with mental health researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Throughout the colonized history of the United States, the mental health of Native Americans, Africans, Asians, Latinos, Pacific Islanders, and other groups of color...

Assessing Racial Equity Impact in Mental Health Policymaking: Reflections and Recommendations

Racism has a long and unique history in the practice and policy of mental health in the United States. In colonial times, for example, it was a common belief that Blacks did not have the intellectual capacity to experience mental illness. In later periods runaway slaves were diagnosed with...

Transforming Service Delivery Systems, Organizational and Administrative Structures

In looking at organizational infrastructures and the challenges involved in bringing about antiracist change, we invited leaders of not-for profit health and human service organizations to describe their experiences, and share what they have learned about what is required for transforming...

Through a Glass Darkly: Poverty and Mental Health in The Bronx

Each day I take a journey to the northern tip of our city, to the Northeast Bronx, where I am the director of an outpatient mental health clinic. I am a visitor from another country, Manhattan, and I inhabit this world and see it through the eyes of a white, middle-class outsider. As the 5 train...