Mental Health Policy in a Time of Economic Crisis
Do we need to shift mental health policy in this time of economic crisis? I think we do. I think we need to worry about the impact of economic decline on people with serious, long-term mental illness, and I think we need to build concern about the emotional well-being of the American people into...
The Economics of Recovery – What Recipients Want: A Look at Aligning Agendas
I find most people’s agendas are predictable; big corporations want more profits, politicians want to be reelected, bureaucrats want more job security, professionals want better outcomes, academics want more research, unions want, well, just more. But what do recipients want? Medications without...
The NYSPA Report – NYS Governor’s Executive Budget Proposal: Issues for the Mental Health System
This edition of the NYSPA Report focuses on the Governor Paterson Executive Budget Proposal for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Customarily, the Governor’s annual budget proposal is released in January of each year. However, because, in the words of Governor Paterson, the state is facing the most...