Treatment and Housing: A Seamless Service Model for High Need Populations
A report published by Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in 2013 found that: “Supportive housing has been demonstrated to end homelessness for persons with complex needs and to reduce overall public systems’ involvement and costs.” These “complex needs” include an array...
Supportive Housing and Job Development Anchors Individual, Family, and Community Health
Access to safe, affordable housing and stable living-wage employment are fundamental to long-term health, wellness, and recovery for individuals, families and communities. New York State efforts, such as the highly successful New York/New York III program, have been a cutting-edge example to the...
Housing and Employment: Key Components of Behavioral Health Reform
Housing is one of the most important recovery supports for many people who struggle with substance use disorder. There is also a very strong link between recovery from substance use disorder and economic self-sufficiency, including employment. These two support services very often go hand in hand....
Housing and Employment: Cornerstones of Self-Directed Recovery
I recently heard from a New York State supported housing consumer who said, “Starting over with no place to live, no money, food or furniture can be terribly overwhelming. It was then that my counselor introduced me to Saint Joseph’s Medical Center. I found out their Residential Services...
New Housing Venture in Suffolk County
Federation of Organizations was awarded the contract to operate the Transition to Community Residence (TCR) Program in Suffolk County, an innovative program that recognizes the need to address the complex medical conditions of individuals who have been living in state operated settings and moving...
The Correlation Between Housing and Recovery – How Independent Living Can Pave the Road to Recovery
If a person with a mental illness is striving to better him or herself, is aiming to reduce symptoms and lessen the impact of his or her illness, where do you think such recovery would best take place? Do you think safe and secure housing has an effect on the path a person takes in life? Adequate...
The Redesign of Housing
In the Spring of 2007, the NYS Office of Mental Health, reached out to the residential providers in New York State asking them to review and provide feedback to the Guiding Principles for the Re-design of the (OMH) Housing and Community Support Policies. The message from the OMH was that safe,...
Stable Housing: Key to Closing the Mortality Gap
Stable housing is critical to closing the disparity in life expectancy between people with serious mental illness and the general population. Providing it should be a major part of the effort to confront the mortality gap. People with serious mental illness die considerably younger than the...
Providing Supportive Housing Options for Young Adults
Supported housing for young adults living with mental/emotional challenges, including chemical dependency, is a rare commodity in New York and is almost non-existent on Staten Island. No government funding, no agency contracts, no housing plans or programs for youth over 18 years old who have aged...
Residential Support for Individuals with Mental Illness: Its History and Hopes for the Future
The availability of housing for adults living with mental illness in Westchester County, New York, has seldom been scarcer than it is at this time, and for many it is altogether inaccessible. I understand many readers will be surprised by such a bold assertion and some may dismiss it as mere...