Archive for the ‘Health and Wellness’ Category

Exploring Creative Approaches to Improve Health and Wellness

It is widely recognized that a strong connection between physical health and mental health exists. But where do we go from here? What creative approaches can health care providers explore for improving general health and mental wellness to enhance recovery? With a growing shift toward...

Wellness Initiatives for People Living with Mental Illness

According to New York State’s Commissioner of Mental Health, Michael Hogan PhD, “There really is no recovery without some overall experience of wellness. There is no wellness without positive mental health. We need integration of care in every place. We have to approach it from a lot of...

Physical Health Should Be a Priority of the Mental Health System and Mental Health Should Be a Priority of the Health System

Over the past couple of years, it has become increasingly clear that physical health needs to be a priority of the mental health system and that mental health needs to be a priority of the health system. Why it took so long to realize this is not entirely clear to me, because the basic facts have...