GoMo Health

Archive for the ‘Fall 2008 Issue’ Category

Addressing a Risky Business: The Interplay Between Medical and Psychiatric Disorders

Prior to the last decade, the interface between medical and psychiatric disorders was largely discussed as medical conditions that are risk factors for behavioral problems. More recently, however, we are focusing on the ways in which psychiatric conditions are risk factors for medical (physical)...

Wellness Initiatives for People Living with Mental Illness

According to New York State’s Commissioner of Mental Health, Michael Hogan PhD, “There really is no recovery without some overall experience of wellness. There is no wellness without positive mental health. We need integration of care in every place. We have to approach it from a lot of...

Fountain House Members Improve Mind and Body

Several years ago Fountain House, the originator of the Clubhouse model of psychiatric rehabilitation, witnessed the statistical rise in morbidity that affects those living with mental illness within our own consumer ranks. We suffered loses to a degree that we could not overlook. After two years...

From the Publisher – The Mental Health Repercussions of the Current Economy and the Interrelationship Between Physical and Mental Health

This issue of Mental Health News explores the interrelationship between physical and mental health. For treatment professionals and service providers, this theme brings forth the knowledge that people with mental illness suffer from the ills of poor physical health to a much greater degree than the...

Guardianships for Incapacitated Persons and The Limitations on a Guardian’s Ability to Consent to or Refuse Psychiatric Treatment

Many times, people lose the capacity to make personal and financial decisions on their own behalf. Often times this occurs as a result of declining mental faculties, such as when the person reaches an advanced age, suffers from mental illness, or experiences traumatic or unexpected injury....