Archive for the ‘Advocacy’ Category

Staying in Balance: Helping Nonprofits Manage Stress in an Uncertain Economy

As the economy began to cool down, business at New York City nonprofit organizations began to heat up. In June of 2009, more than 375,000 New York City residents were unemployed, increasing NYC’s unemployment rate to 9.5% - the highest level in over 10 years (New York State Department of Labor,...

Supporting Transformation Towards Recovery-Based Services

Since the late 1980’s, I’ve had a strong belief in the principles and practices of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and their ability to assess an individual’s readiness to change, intervene to increase readiness if needed, and increase the skills and supports each person needs to enjoy life to its...

The Economics of Recovery: The Making of a Consumer Advocate

It was in the fall of 99’, Ira and I were having our weekly meeting at Starbucks in Larchmont. We would linger for hours in those big, plush club chairs sipping Lattés and snacking on cookies – caffeine and sugar - just the fuel two bipolars needed to figure out their next career move. We...

Mental Illness: Myths and Facts

Mental illnesses are very common. They are also widely misunderstood. People with mental illnesses are frequently stigmatized by others who think it’s an uncommon condition. The truth is, mental illness can happen to anybody. Arm yourself with the facts, then use your knowledge to educate...

Improving Access to Health Care for Mental Health Consumers

Recently published studies have startled mental health professionals with the assertion that persons with serious mental illnesses in the United States can now expect to live, on average, 25 years less than everybody else. The CATIE and the State Mental Health Program Directors studies detail a...

From the Publisher – The Mental Health Repercussions of the Current Economy and the Interrelationship Between Physical and Mental Health

This issue of Mental Health News explores the interrelationship between physical and mental health. For treatment professionals and service providers, this theme brings forth the knowledge that people with mental illness suffer from the ills of poor physical health to a much greater degree than the...