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Archive for the ‘Addiction and Recovery’ Category

NIH Research Matters – Telehealth Improves Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Telehealth improves treatment for opioid use disorder for people during the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing the likelihood of staying on their medications and less likely to overdose. The findings support continuing the expanded telehealth access that began during the pandemic. Medications...

SAMHSA Proposes Update to Federal Rules to Expand Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Help Close Gap in Care

Changes would make permanent COVID-timed medication flexibilities, and update decades-old definitions and standards for opioid treatment programs at a time when fewer than 1 out 10 Americans can access treatment for substance use disorder. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services...

Biden-Harris Administration Awards More Than $1.6 Billion in Funds for Communities Addressing Addiction and Overdose Crises

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), is awarding more than $1.6 billion in funds for communities throughout the country addressing...

Game-Changers: Expanding Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment in 2024

Substance use disorders (SUD) and overdose deaths remain a serious public health concern: prevalence rates, particularly opioids and fentanyl, and the provisional data on drug overdose deaths continue to climb. These statistics underscore the importance of prevention and access to treatment for...

Peer Support Workforce Shortages Anticipated: What You Can Do

Imagine this: You are the manager in a behavioral health agency that has decided to hire peer support providers in your workforce. This position can give the agency a boost in revenue, additional help in needed areas with personnel shortages, and hope and practical help to service participants. You...

Working Works: Considerations and Resources for Navigating Employment in the Recovery Journey

Behavioral health best practice incorporates a whole-health perspective that emphasizes wellness, is person-centered, and focuses on the whole person and their strengths, not their illness (Swarbrick, 2006). Occupational wellness, that “personal satisfaction and enrichment derived from one’s...

A State Agency’s Role in Supporting Housing and Employment within Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery

Historically, the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment service delivery system has operated within an episode of care, with separate programs and unrelated options. There has been an evolution towards developing a continuum of care for substance use disorder treatment and recovery services. These...

Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!

Safe and stable housing, together with appropriate employment, are important determinants of mental and physical health. For people who are living with mental illness, housing and employment can play a critical role in their journeys towards recovery. Governor Hochul has long recognized the...

Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net

The current housing climate leaves millions of Americans at risk of housing instability or homelessness – and it is those who are living with mental and physical health challenges that are the most vulnerable. As communities battle the ever-escalating “cost-of-living” and a rising economic...

The Impact of Housing on Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse

In Maslow’s hierarchy, physiological needs – food, water, shelter – are the base upon which all other human activity rests. As a population, particularly in more privileged areas, we tend to take these needs for granted: a house or apartment, food and clean water, and clothing are readily...